What is Chiropractic Care.
Chiropractors work on the spine and the nervous system, and correct subluxations in the spine.
A subluxation is when a joint is out of its correct aligment, and puts pressure onto a nerve that dimishes the flow of information through that nerve to a body cell or tissue.
This can cause pain, and a decrease in function of the affected cell.
Many people see chiropractors for pain related complaints, as chiropractic treatment does help with a vast amount of pain related issues. However, by removing nerve pressure through adjustments, the communication pathways from the brain to the rest of the body via the nervous system is greatly improved, leading to an overall improvement in health.
Being checked and adjusted regularly helps to keep you and your family healthier and happier.
Chiropractors must complete a five-year university degree and as such are primary health care providers.
They have comprehensive knowledge of all systems of the body and diagnostic procedures.
They are also qualified to take and read X-rays. This enables your chiropractor to thoroughly evaluate a patient and address disorders relating to the spine and nervous system.