Frequently Asked Questions
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Check out the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions below. If there’s something you need more details about that isn’t mentioned here, please get in touch for more information. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
What is a chiropractic adjustment?
When a joint is out of its correct alignment, it blocks the hole (foramen) where the nerve exits the spinal column, and puts pressure onto the nerve. This leads to a decrease in nerve function and potentially, pain. The Dr will be able to assess where this joint is locked and in what position it is in, and makes a small correction called an adjustment. The adjustment is very specific, uses minimal force and is aimed to release the joint and get it moving correctly, and to relieve nerve pressure.
An adjustment is specific, in a certain direction, with minimal force and has intent, as opposed to a non specific manipulation of a joint.
What is the sound made, or the "crack" heard on some adjustments?
Scientific research has shown that as the vertbrae moves with an adjustment, gases that are held within the joint space are released, and make the noise that you hear that is commonly referenced as a "crack".
Most chiropractors do not like the word "crack" as it implies a bone cracking.
We call that an adjustment.
Will the treatment hurt?
The adjustment /treatment protocols used by a chiropractor in themselves do not or should not hurt, however if you are already in pain and are finding it difficult to move then some discompfort may be experienced with the adjutsment procedure, however Dr Kimberly will ensure to keep you informed and will be as gentle as possible.
Post adjustment, particularly if you have been misaligned for a long time, you may experience some inflammation for the first 24 hours as your body gets used to the increased range of motion that the joints will be undergoing.
How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments needed will vary greatly depending on your health history, and your current health percentage and pain levels. During your initial consultation Dr Kimberly will discuss your health history with you, and undertake a physical examination to ascertain your overall condition.
If X-rays are required you will be referred out for those.
Once you come back for your report of findings, Dr Kimberly will discuss an individualised care plan with you that will be unique to your health needs.
No two patients are alike.